Episode 35

Published on:

14th Feb 2023

It Does Exist-The Relationship You Deserve w/Diane Schroeder & Josh Humphreys -35

Today we get a bonus of two episodes in one.

We open with an individual conversation getting to know Diane; a powerhouse with lots of wisdom on the path to authenticity.

We then get a chance to see another side of Diane when we get to chat with her and her partner Josh. The conversation is full of depth and touches on some of what brought them together and their perspectives on what makes their relationship work. At one point when Josh speaks of their ‘bedrock love’ I think anyone listening will either resonate with having it or knowing that is the level of connection and support they have been missing and searching for in a relationship. Josh and Diane don’t hesitate to share hard truths, but the feeling and understanding you’ll walk away with is that you do deserve a relationship that accepts you as you are and it is possible. They also give you guideposts and thoughts as how to put yourself in the right mindset; make the intentions, and do the work to make it possible. 

There is much to Diane Schroeder, MA, EFO; she is a national speaker, writer, and podcast host who focuses on helping leaders understand and appreciate the value of self-care. As a leader in the male-dominated fire service for over 20 years, Diane knows that practicing self-care enables leaders to find their authentic style, have a work-life balance, and increase productivity. Authentic leaders create healthy, inclusive, and diverse work cultures of belonging. With a master's degree in organizational leadership, Diane combines her wisdom with data to guide leaders down the self-care path. She shares her wisdom with her community through email and her weekly podcast, The Fire Inside Her (www.thefireinsideher.com/podcast). Diane speaks around the country, is a TEDx speaker, and is currently working on a book about leadership.

We chatted with her some about why self-care is important in leadership and learned more about the first season of her podcast. Fortunately, her episodes are launching weekly, so you will have an opportunity to get to know her and benefit from her wisdom. As she notes, she is also a national speaker if your organization is looking for someone and her words resonate!

How to connect with Diane:



Instagram: @TheRealFireInHer 

Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/dianeschroeder5/

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Shawna Rodrigues 0:00

Sometimes the search for a partner can be a little discouraging, especially when we aren't as young as we once were. That's why today's episode has an exciting conversation with a couple who isn't as young as you might guess, upon first glance. They share with us an honest conversation about the joy and ease you can find in a relationship. And some of the work you have to do to get there. I know I found it inspirational, and wonderful to be part of, even as someone who has found myself in an incredible relationship that I'm very grateful to have. It definitely mirrored the years of searching and waiting in question if I deserved, or was ready for or wanted, or if it existed. So I hope you stick around to hear more from Josh and Diane. This show is essentially two episodes in one, you also get a chance to get to know Diane a little bit. She is a powerhouse. She is a brilliant woman full of wisdom, with a beautiful focus on authenticity, self care, and leadership in ways that I'm sure will resonate with you and make you interested in her new podcast that just released last week. So stick around. Two great topics today. It will give you a lot to reflect on before the end of the episode. Thanks for being here.

Shawna Rodrigues 1:26

Welcome to The Grit Show. Growth on purpose. I'm glad you found us. I'm your host, Shawna Rodrigues, and I'm honored to be leading you on today's journey, as part of this community growing together as seekers and thrivers. If it's your first time, I'm glad you're here. And if you're familiar with us, we would love if you take a moment and leave a review. I love to hear what you have to say. It is so valuable to learn your perspective and what you enjoy about the show, so we know what to focus on going forward. Thank you for being part of this community.

Shawna Rodrigues 2:01

Diane Schroeder is a national speaker, writer and podcast host who focuses on helping leaders understand and appreciate the value of self care. As a leader in the male dominated fire service for over 20 years, Diane knows that practicing self care enables leaders to find their authentic style, have a work life balance and increase productivity. Authentic leaders create healthy, inclusive and diverse work cultures. With a master's degree in organizational leadership, Diane combines wisdom with data to guide leaders down the self care path. She shares her wisdom with the community to email and her weekly podcast, The Fire Inside Her. Diane speaks around the country, as a TEDx speaker, and is currently working on a book about leadership. We get to speak with her and her partner, Josh today for a very great conversation around partnerships. But first, we get to speak a little bit with Diane. Thanks for being here, Diane.

Diane Schroeder 2:53

Thank you for having me.

Shawna Rodrigues 2:56

I would love to get to know a little bit more about organizational leadership and what has driven you to feel like self care is the most important part of organizational leadership?

Diane Schroeder 3:05

That's a great question. I think being in the fire service, about 15 years ago, I really started to pay attention to leadership. I had been an officer for quite some time, but I just didn't really understand what leadership was. And then I realized how important it was some of the things I was doing intuitively, was leadership, making sure my crews were taking care of each other and you know, creating this safe place for everyone to come to work. And I think that as I moved up higher in the ranks, I just saw some dysfunction in leadership. And I just became kind of fascinated by it. So I started reading more books and I got my undergrad in public administration and it kind of touched upon leadership. But then when I dove in to get my Master's in organizational leadership, it was like this deep dive into all these theories that are really old, really old. And I came across an article that talked about you know, if you're going to use yourself as an instrument of change, and being a leader, as a leader, one of the things you need to focus on is taking care of yourself, and then it kind of clicked because if you pour from an empty cup, you don't pour anything. So I felt like gosh, it's all the little cliches that you hear from the airplane, put the oxygen on yourself first and you know you've got to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. That's why I was like, gosh that there's something to this and especially when you're really busy or tired and you know I think for the fire service as we went higher up in rank it became very lonely you know you go from working with a crew to now you're supervising a bunch of crews but you're all by yourself and then when you get in you know administrative positions you're kind of on an island I joke that you're on this you know island with storm clouds above you and alligators below you and it just be exhausting and you just get in this machine of having to feel like you need to do it all. And you've got to take care of everyone else. But you don't take care of yourself and everything suffers when you don't take care of yourself.

Shawna Rodrigues 5:09

Yes. And you've also got a specialty in DEI. Can you tell people not everyone probably knows what DEI stands for. Can you tell us what it stands for?

Diane Schroeder 5:18

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, I got introduced to it, because being an underrepresented person in the fire service, there's about 4%, female and less than 1% in chief officer roles. I never really appreciated, I was different. I knew I was different. But I always tried to fit in and be like everyone else. So I didn't bring my true value to the table. And I didn't really, you know, I wanted to go along to get along and not be, oh, gosh, she's a woman. And there's a lot of pressure when you're a minority in the fire service, because there weren't a lot of women. So I always felt like I was representing every woman that every, every decision I made or that people were scrutinizing me, you know, more and more. And I think it's really important to talk about what diversity really is, and what equity means versus equality and why becoming an inclusive organization just is better for everyone, because all boats rise. And at the end of the day, regardless of your demographics, where you came from, or what you know, it's everyone wants to belong and feel safe where they are.

Shawna Rodrigues 6:26

That's amazing. And I hadn't heard the DEIB. And I think the B is a very important part of that. So I'm glad that you you brought that up. So we could add the DEIB to that. Thank you. You have a lot of talents and things that you're adding to your work. And so your podcast, it just came out. And in your first season, what are you focusing on with your podcast?

Diane Schroeder 6:49

So exciting. So the first season for my podcast is, I'm interviewing the people in my community, my friends, even my mom, the people who matter the most in my life, and who I've learned from and who I respect and admire, I just feel like, if I'm going to create a community, and I want people to join my community, then they should know who's in my community, and kind of where I get, you know, part of who I am. And part of why I think the way I do and that's the first season is all about the incredible women that I respect. How self care, how they find time for self care, and how, you know, leadership impacts, you know, their leadership style, and then what community means and how important it is.

Shawna Rodrigues 7:35

That's incredible. And I'm so excited. So for some of our listeners, I've launched a network at Authentic Connections Podcast Network, and Diane is actually one of the first individuals to join that network. And I'm so excited about her role in that network and her podcast coming out. That's such an exciting piece. So where is the best place to find your podcast, Diane?

Diane Schroeder 7:55

The best place is to go to TheFireInsideHer.com/podcast. Or wherever you frequently listen to your podcasts should be everywhere at this point.

Shawna Rodrigues 8:07

That's wonderful. That's exciting. And the first episode is up as well as the trailer. So you're welcome to listen to it and check it out. And then if folks want to find you, where is the best place to find you, and to be able to keep track of you and your exciting stuff. And it also sounds like people can get in touch with you to speak to their organizations around leadership or do some consulting with them around some of these pieces as well.

Diane Schroeder 8:28

Absolutely, you can find me on LinkedIn. I'm on LinkedIn at Diane Schroeder. And you can find me on Instagram, at therealfireinher. Or you can just email me at diane@thefireinsideher.com.

Shawna Rodrigues 8:43

Wonderful and we will have all of those pieces in the show notes. And we have an extra special treat today. Because it is Valentine's Day, we actually get to have an interview with Diane and her partner, Josh, and we'll get to talk a little bit about the partnership and the importance of having your person and the support that comes with that. Is there anything you want to share with our listeners? Before we get into that conversation with Josh?

Diane Schroeder 9:06

I think the biggest and I'm sure we'll talk about just the importance of not giving up. You know, it's never too late to find love and your past choices don't define your future choices if you learn the lessons.

Shawna Rodrigues 9:21

That's incredible. Thank you so much for being here. And everyone makes sure look in the show notes you can get in touch with Diane, thank you so much, Diane.

Diane Schroeder 9:28

Thank you.

Shawna Rodrigues 9:31

So as we talk about strong relationships, I'm very glad to have with me Josh and Diane, I am excited to learn about both of you. The way that you guys met and came together. So let's start with how you guys met.

Diane Schroeder 9:42

Well, we met like all people meet the same age on a dating app.

Shawna Rodrigues 9:47

That makes sense.

Diane Schroeder 9:48

I had just signed up for match.com and Josh was about to let his subscription end and so there was like a few days overlap. And that's how we connected.

Shawna Rodrigues:

I'm glad there was an overlap. Josh, what about Diane made you pay attention and decided she was somebody you wanted to meet?

Josh Humphreys:

Oh goodness. So first would be her smile. And just see no right on these dating apps, you're looking at that for, you're looking at the pictures, and then you will get the word. So there's just one picture that I still have on my phone with just her big smile. Then you move on to the words, and you look at a lot of the similarities that we had. Yoga and believing in the universe. And just, just a number of things that really drew me to her. I think you were actually the one that reached out to me first. So we just started chatting. The first time we met physically, we were together for almost four hours.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Oh nice.

Josh Humphreys:

It seemed like, you know, 10 minutes, just flew by. It wasn't enough. It wasn't nearly enough. So yeah, it was it was pretty cool.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That's incredible. And so Diane, when did you first know that Josh was somebody that you definitely want to have in your life and need to make space for?

Diane Schroeder:

The first date. Probably before the first date, because we had talked on the phone. And even the first time we talked on the phone was quite a long conversation. And just he was so grounded. And I remember, towards the end of the day, I was like, I don't want this date to end.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That's a good sign.

Diane Schroeder:

Like, this is such a good time. And yeah, that was it was pretty instant that I knew he was special. And we would definitely,

Josh Humphreys:

I think we both felt it. Right? I mean, we both walked away from there thinking like this is different. It's different than the rigmarole that we had been through before. So much so that what was it a day or two later, I sent her a text and I said, Hey, would you like to go to Mexico in February?

Diane Schroeder:

So why not? On the second, you know, right after you meet someone go to a foreign country with them? Sounds like a great idea. And that's what I said. I'm like, that sounds awesome. Let me see the time off work.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That's a good sign. That's a good sign. Yes. So Josh, you're about to get off the dating app, where you kind of done with doing the online dating thing?

Josh Humphreys:

So done. So done. And that's part of what I had asked the universe for was for somebody to meet me where I was in life. And I was at the point where I was, I didn't have to have that I was done with the chase. I just wanted to continue to work on myself. And, you know, be the best person I could. And that's exactly what happened. I mean, we met and she was in the same space of that kind of just being in the sweet spot of self care. And I've taken care of ourselves.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That's awesome. So you guys are this is not the first. Okay, so you both are engaged, which I know the audience doesn't know that yet. So when did you guys know that that was a step that you guys wanted to take to share your lives together?

Diane Schroeder:

Well, for me, that's interesting, because I swore I'd never get married again, I was pretty, pretty resolved in that, you know, it was part of my, I'm good enough for me. I don't need anyone else. I'm happy with my life. And if it means I'm going to be alone, then that's okay. And we met and fell in love. And I was like, Alright, cool. Now my life has gotten better. And I'm still not sure does that mean marriage? Or you know, and so we we started with consolidation, and very romantic term of how can we combine our lives together, we lived pretty close to each other, but we weren't living together. And so that was the first step. And then I think, I don't know, it just made sense. Like everything with us has made sense and being adults and going through a lot of life and hardship and dark times and bumpy times to do the work to be two people that are independent of each other yet just have the synergy when we're together. And it just easy and everything aligns with us. When he proposed to me it was like, okay, yeah, that, yes, that makes sense. It's just different this time.

Josh Humphreys:

No, I, in the same space. I mean, I've told, you know, the close handful of people in my life, I can never see myself getting married again. And it wasn't negative on the institution of marriage. I just didn't think that it just wasn't important. And you changed that. I mean, you, she made that really, really easy. Like it was never a doubt. It wasn't, there wasn't a question about whether or not it was gonna happen. It was kind of a game of when was it gonna happen that we had fun with but yeah, we were in the same space. Again, we met each other where we were.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Yeah, you keep having that theme of you met each other where you were. And it seems like that's the one thing that definitely differentiates this relationship than where you guys have been in other places in your life. So what makes that different? What do you think you each offer each other that makes it easier to each other where you're at?

Josh Humphreys:

Well, my, immediately my, the first words out of my mouth are the work that we each done. The time that we put into ourselves, to be better to learn about ourselves to, to have awareness about what we want and what we need. For me, that was it. I mean, it was the work that I have done. And then I soon found out that that Diana done to be in the spaces that we were in.

Diane Schroeder:

Well, I think it's that, you know, being enough for yourself and not searching for someone else to make me whole or someone else to complete me, you know, that romantic like, oh, you know, expecting Josh to be my everything. And to, you know, that's a lot of pressure to put on anyone, especially a partner to be my best friend, my lover, my confidant, my, you know, go shopping with me, do all the, do all the things. And I had spent a lot of time learning how to be that for myself. So when we connected, it was just like, wow, it's that Rumi quote, let the winds of heaven dance between you. So we're two complete people that come together. And it's really cool, because we can still be our individual selves.

Josh Humphreys:

That quote. She said that quite a lot when we first met. And I'd never heard it before. I'd never heard of anything like that before. But it makes sense. And it's exactly it fits for us for sure.

Shawna Rodrigues:

So, how do you guys navigate the bumps when one of you has a hard time, like, how do you come together and support each other in that?

Diane Schroeder:

We talk, eventually, we communicate, you may not always go straight to communication, because we are human. And we are passionate. And, you know, that's life, all relationships require work. And, you know, we talk it out, eventually we talk it out, if we have to take a timeout, or if we have to,

Josh Humphreys:

well, I think you're right. And, and we listen to each other. I think that's really, I mean, we do talk and we don't have a problem, we sometimes we have a bump to get to the talking but, but when we do start talking, neither one of us have a difficult time sharing our hearts because that's the basis of our relationship. But we also listen, and we give each other grace, to understand and to even when we may not agree we, we try to look and see where the other person is and say, Okay, I understand that, how can I help you? How many times have you said that to me, right? What can I do to help her make this different or better, whatever, not that we're trying to change each other, because that's not it at all. It's just the grace. It's the grace and the space that comes in my opinion with true bedrock love.

Diane Schroeder:

Really. Well, and we committed in the beginning to be a safe space for each other, where we aren't going to judge each other we're not you know, it's, we see each other for who we are, and not who we want the other person to be. And I think that's really important when it comes to the communication and grace and just, you know, it's always being vulnerable and exposed. And that's really scary. That's really hard for me, it is so hard for me to let my guard down and, you know, learn how to receive love and acceptance. So I think that's probably a big,

Josh Humphreys:

I think it's, the other thing that you said is that we see each other. I mean, I had never lived or been in a relationship with any human, parents, children otherwise, where I felt like I was truly seen and in, in spite of that loved, right?

Shawna Rodrigues:


Josh Humphreys:

That's a big deal.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Yeah, that really is to be really seen and to be who you are, I think that so much of relationships, so much of what we're taught in relationships is we're taught, oh, they'll change. They'll eventually change. They'll become something instead of No, this is who they are. And you need to see them as they are, love them as they are and see how you fit with that and not any other way.

Josh Humphreys:

Yes, well, and I think that you would agree that we've talked about this, that we're not here to, we're not trying to change each other, we're accepting of where we're at. And that makes all the difference in the world.

Diane Schroeder:

It makes it a lot easier. I mean, it's a lot. It's exhausting to try to change someone to be who you want them to be. And you know, you spend time is precious. And the older we get, we're on the back half of life, we recognize that, that it's, it's really too short to try to put him and to be someone else. And I don't want him to be anyone else.

Josh Humphreys:

Well, and I think that's the other part right is we're accepting of that, we're accepting of, like I said, where we are, it's kind of redundant, but it's, neither one of us are trying to change ourselves to be what we think the other one wants. And I spent a lot of time in my life doing that in every relationship that I had. And I think that, that that's really true of where we are, we're just living in the moment as who we are. And that turns into a compliment for each other.

Shawna Rodrigues:

And are you good at communicating to the other person what you need? Is that something you guys have been able to do and that you work on a little bit?

Diane Schroeder:

We're working on it.

Josh Humphreys:

Yeah, we're working on it. And I would say, the answer is yes. We're not consistent. We're not everyday perfect.

Shawna Rodrigues:

It's hard.

Josh Humphreys:

I told you the other day, there's nothing that is off limits, there's nothing that you don't know. And we're doing better every day at this is what I need. You know,

Diane Schroeder:

It is hard to do. But yes, asking for help, especially, you know, for me, I was a single mom, super independent. I just did everything by myself. And I was, which, as we know, hyper independence is a trauma response in itself. So to ship that away, and you know, asking for help, even if it's small things, it's a huge deal for me. And it's like, okay, that went well. It wasn't used against me. The world kept spinning, the sun came up. Alright, let's try this again. Well, and a bigger ask next time.

Josh Humphreys:

Yeah. And I think that we both have learned that right, because we both have had the opportunity to be independent. And, you know, I can do that. No, I can do that. No, let me know. And let's just there's some feeling in there that that happens. But it's all part of growth. That was our, that was our word for last year, it was growth.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Yes, I love it. You guys have a word that you share for your Word of the Year. So what is your word for 2023?

Diane Schroeder:


Shawna Rodrigues:

Very nice. Very nice. Building on the communication.

Josh Humphreys:

That's right. Yeah.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Yes. And so I don't want you to have to out your ages. But I think it's important because not everyone's going to see your photos and you don't look your ages as it is. So I think it's valuable. You've kind of hinted the fact that you guys aren't young anymore. But do you mind sharing a range so that people can have an idea that you know, you don't have to be 25, or 32, to be able to find what you're looking for in life?

Diane Schroeder:

No, we're in our mid 40s. Mid to late 40s. Close to 50.

Josh Humphreys:

We'll be 50 in a month.

Shawna Rodrigues:


Diane Schroeder:


Shawna Rodrigues:

I would not have guessed that. And so it is something worth looking for. And finding it when you is at least expected type of thing? Or do you both believe it was there? If you found it, or you're both kind of done with looking?

Diane Schroeder:

Apparently, that's a really great question. Because I would say yes, I obviously was looking because I was on the app, you are on the app, you're getting off the app. And at the same time, I don't know, I, I was just kind of, I had written down, probably in May of 2021. A list, I did a new moon intention. And I wrote down everything that I wanted in a partner. And I, you know, took ceremony, I folded it up, I wore it in under my bra for several months, and just carried it with me with this intention of who I wanted to meet in my life. And sure enough, you know, I stopped wearing it. And it wasn't that I'd given up, I just let it go, you know, set the intention. And eventually it was when I let it go that we met each other.

Josh Humphreys:

That's the key, you let go of that expectation of you have to have this, have to have whatever it is we think we need. And you both set it or you let go of that. And then look what happens.

Shawna Rodrigues:


Diane Schroeder:

That's pretty cool. And it's not like I mean, he has a 22 year old son, I have a 10 year old son. So we're, we've blended this really cool family dynamic. And everything, you know, has really worked out for the best. The boys are happy, we're happy, the families are happy. And I think not that you do that for external validation. But when your family and friends support you and see how happy you are, that says a lot about your choices, too.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Yeah, I think there's something about when things flow, and there's an ease and a relationship. I think that sometimes you hit an age where you feel like you have to try and you have to try to make it all happen and make it all work. And those aren't the relationships you need to be in, you need to find the one that flows. And then when that you have the support, and you have the ease and there's things to work on. There's always things to work on. But the ones that you, you have this happiness and joy in this flow that you guys have. So that's why I love it that we're sharing it with others.

Diane Schroeder:


Josh Humphreys:

Could not agree more.

Shawna Rodrigues:

We always talk about self care on The Grit Show. So we do have to have a moment where we pause and talk about what you guys do for self care. So can you guys share with me what you guys do for self care?

Diane Schroeder:

So many things, I guess, together, we try to meditate and breathe every morning when we wake up.

Shawna Rodrigues:


Diane Schroeder:

We come into a little sacred space. And so we've combined some of our independent rituals that we did separately when we consolidated and started doing it together. So definitely meditation and breathing. Acupuncture, yoga. Me personally, I like to get out in nature when I can. I like to do floats, just hanging out with friends, filling my cup with the podcasting and all the other exciting things I have coming up in my life definitely is self care to me because it helps build capacity in my life.

Josh Humphreys:

I mean, you hit, the main, the core for me was before we met and after we met, meditating as often as possible, if not every day. Going to yoga, couple times a week at least, getting some acupuncture now and again. The other thing for me is live music like that you talked about filling your cup, right? Live music is something for me, that's really been life changing. So that's part of my self care. This may sound weird, but it's absolutely true.

Diane Schroeder:

No, it was for me too. And I remember that was like, like live music. It was one of the draws to your profile, actually, someone who likes to go see live music, I'm in.

Josh Humphreys:

But the, you know, the yoga practice was life changing for me for how many years ago now. 12 years ago, or something like that. And that's really been foundational for me in my self care.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That's awesome. I love the live music, too. I don't think we can dismiss that. I think it's a great thing for you to have, to get out into here that you connect with that. That's awesome. And as guests of The Grit Show, you both get a coloring book. So you get to choose between the quotes, You've Got This, or the Vintage Mermaid and Magnificent Ocean. So which of the coloring books would each of you like?

Shawna Rodrigues:


Diane Schroeder:

You pick.

Josh Humphreys:

You've Got This.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Yeah, well, you get your own. So which one would you like?

Josh Humphreys:


Diane Schroeder:

Oh well, then I'll have the other one. The Mermaid Magnificent Ocean, of course.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Okay, well, good. Well, you were both set then. And I do want to take a moment because I want to hear a little bit more about your work. And Josh is supportive of your work. So if you tell us a little bit about your podcast and your work, and then we can have Josh talk a little bit more about how that's been for him to support that?

Diane Schroeder:

Sure. Um, so it was early on in our relationship, we were talking on the phone, and he kept saying, you know, I just got to suck it up for 20 more years, I can do this job for 20 more years. And I was like, I thought about it. And I didn't respond back right away. And I remember the next time we talked, I was like, No, that's not how this works. Like, you do not have to be stuck in a job that you're just settling for, for 20 more years, like, No, we need to come up with a better plan. I don't want to stay in my profession for another 20 years, like I, I really want, I want something different. And so we named it plan A and you know, what could we do to support each other to plan A so we can have that freedom and enjoy our lives without being feel like we're stuck. And, you know, I was already speaking across the country to a lot of fire service personnel and leadership stuff. And I just finished my master's degrees, we kind of decided that I've got momentum. And he has been my biggest supporter and cheerleader all along the way, whether it's registering for classes, whether it's, you know, I want to try this, I want to try that. And then last fall, I told him, I'm like, I really think I need to create a podcast because I want to grow my community. And I just I think podcasting is the way to do it. And I had spoken to a mutual friend at the yoga studio. And she was like, Oh, my gosh, we've just interviewed the scale on our podcast, and it would be amazing. You two should connect and you know, the stars just aligned. And I came home and I told him and he was like, Absolutely. Whatever you need. At every turn, he has just been, Yes, I believe in you. I, I support you. And it has probably been the most impactful support of my entire life. Because it's, it's genuine and I feel it.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That's amazing. Yes. And you just launched The Fire Inside Her podcast, because your first episode came out February 8, is that right?

Diane Schroeder:

That is correct. About a week ago.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Yes. You just launched your amazing podcast. So how has that been like to support her in all of this, Josh?

Josh Humphreys:

So it's, it's easy. I mean, and here's why. Because I, I see when she talks about the podcast, when she talks about her desire and what really motivates her. And everything changes, everything changes in her face and her demeanor, and it's what she's supposed to be doing. And so, there's no, there's zero resistance. All I want to do is support and make sure that she's got the space and the time and whatever she needs to be able to, to be successful in this because it is her passion. It's what she's meant to do. And so it's easy. It's easy to do that, because it's just joy from there. There's so much joy that comes out of her, which then gives me joy just to see it. I told her the night I'm amazed at you as a human being and how that motivates you, and how you light up when you talk about it. And when you have ideas, I mean, she has ideas all the time. And, and some stick and some don't. And they're, you know, to be able to sit back and support and to watch this thing happen is absolutely amazing. And just to see the fruit of the work that she's done. It's awesome. And there's no place I'd rather be than supporting her at all.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That's amazing. That's incredible. And that's definitely the type of partner we all want. That is incredible.

Diane Schroeder:


Shawna Rodrigues:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Diane Schroeder:

It's possible.

Shawna Rodrigues:

It's possible. It's possible. And I love the concept of a plan A, that supporting both of you. It's not a plan B, you both want these things. And you both on be excited about what you're doing and what you're focused on. And so you have a plan A, to me, that happened for both of you. I love that.

Josh Humphreys:

Yeah. And that's, I mean, when you said that, she said it first and I was like, wow, not even plan B, let's go straight to plan A. And it really opened my eyes like this is possible, we can do this.

Diane Schroeder:

Well, and the universe, you know, it's that the universe conspires to help you when you've truly committed to something and everything has just, it continues to fall in line, whether it's jobs, work, like it, and even you said it a couple of weeks ago, you know that everything always works out once you fully commit to something.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Mm hmm. And this partnership people fully committed to and it looks like it's working out pretty well as well.

Diane Schroeder:


Josh Humphreys:

Oh, yeah.

Diane Schroeder:

Yeah, it's pretty good.

Josh Humphreys:


Shawna Rodrigues:

So the other thing we always do on The Grit Show is we always leave our listeners with something to take away, walk away with something they can apply. So if we can talk to our listeners who are looking for better communication, better connection in their current relationship, or listeners who are looking for that partner, that person, what is some, like practical things we can get them to kind of walk away with? Do you have thoughts on that?

Diane Schroeder:

I think doing the work on yourself first, you know, expecting that you are, you have to believe that you are enough as a human, as an individual. And to not settle for anything less than yourself, and not look for someone else to fill that gap for you. I think is the first step and that it's never too late. It can still happen, you know, not give up. Regardless of how old you are. Whatever has happened in your life, to got to get you where you are currently, it's, it's never too late, just be enough for yourself first, and that will exude out. And you put that vibe out to someone else.

Josh Humphreys:

And yes, and for me, I would say be aware, be aware of, of who you are, how you feel, what you want. And then don't stop there. Set the intention. Put the intention out there. You know, I could make a list of things that I intended for, and you would check all of them off. And for so long. I was, I didn't, for why would I be asked for that? I don't deserve that or whatever, right? The reality is, we did, we do, everybody does. And if you're aware of what you want, and you put that intention out there, and you set it, and you think about it, and you write about it. Journaling is another piece of self care that we didn't, we kind of glossed over. But that would be my thing is just be aware. And don't be afraid to set that intention. And it might happen next week, it might happen next year. Have faith it will happen because it will it absolutely will.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That is incredible. And I can definitely speak to that as well, because I have my amazing partner that I am so blessed to have and so grateful for and I actually, there was a list that I made a very intentional thing. I didn't meet him on online dating. But when I did online dating, I made a very intentional profile saying this is what I want and described the person and all the things. And it was so funny because he and I found it later and it wasn't 100% described him. It didn't describe anyone I met online. And it was so important for me to know that's what I wanted and to be willing to walk past all the options that didn't, that didn't meet that and to stop online dating and then have him enter my life again. He and I have a long story. But it was incredible to actually recognize it. It took me deciding this is what I want and this is what I'm waiting for. And it's gonna happen and to believe it was possible and to believe that he existed and we found each other and we have that and so I think that 100% what you said Josh, I love that journaling that and knowing that and I love it. I love that you had it in your bra, Diane, and then let it go.

Diane Schroeder:

It was in my heart. It was close to my heart as I can get it.

Shawna Rodrigues:

I love that. I love that. So definitely be very specific I know that you deserve it. I think that's a piece of Josh was really saying is it to, to recognize it as possible. And to own that is possible and that you deserve that level of relationship.

Diane Schroeder:


Josh Humphreys:

You're worthy. We're all worthy.

Diane Schroeder:


Josh Humphreys:


Shawna Rodrigues:

Yes. And I love having this, especially today, as you know, we're releasing this on Valentine's Day for people that when you're in that mindset of searching for what you want to know, that exists, and you can have it. People need to know that and to own that. And I think it's why we're having that release today. So people can really hear that and own that and be connected to that and to know that they can have that in their, their relationships that they have to, to be able to live up to that. So this is delightful, thank you both so much for being here today. I really appreciate it.

Diane Schroeder:

Thank you.

Josh Humphreys:

Thank you for having us. This is really cool.

Diane Schroeder:

Yes, yes. Awesome.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Thank you for being here as part of our audience today. If you're interested in checking out our coloring books, all you need to do is Google the Color of Grit, and they should pop up. You can definitely find them on Amazon. You can also get sample pages off of our website, thegritshow.com.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Don't forget you are the only one of you that this world has got and that means something. We'll be here again next Tuesday. I hope you are too.

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About the Podcast

Growth on Purpose
Are you a giver and a doer? Are you someone who has shown your grit and powered through, and now you're ready for the other side? Now you re looking for the conversations that remind you about self care, that bring to mind grace and understanding, and give you space to reflect on purpose. Do you want more room to breathe and to live life with a little more ease? Each week, we discover tools and ways of thinking that support alignment, build stronger connections, help us find better questions, and live our best life. Most weeks we laugh, some weeks the topics touch close to home, but ultimately; this is where we grow together as seekers and thrivers. The Grit Show - growth on purpose. https://podcast.TheGritShow.com

About your host

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Shawna Rodrigues

Shawna Rodrigues, Podcast Strategist and Founder of Authentic Connections Podcast Network, leads the Solopreneur Sisterhood and hosts Authenticity Amplified (https://bit.ly/AUAMP). She helps purpose-driven solopreneurs connect with their ideal clients through podcasting and is passionate about increasing the number of podcasts hosted by women. Shawna believes the first step to having the podcast you are meant for is podcast guesting (https://bit.ly/5TipsGuest).
She knows that community is the key to success (solopreneurs don't have to do it alone) and that authenticity is your superpower. A sought-after speaker & consultant, Shawna savors perfectly steeped London Fogs and walking beside the roaring ocean with the love of her life. Find her on Instagram @ShawnaPodcasts.